Sage Advice from Yo Momma: SLOW DOWN and ENJOY THE JOURNEY of LIFE! Now, some of you will read this and walk away. I understand, but I hope you don’t. Life is short, my friends, shorter than you think. And if ya stay with me, I will share some tasty information at the end–LOL!
When you are young, you wish you were older. When you are older you wish you were younger. Today Yo Momma turns 50, and I don’t wish to be younger just yet. But I did learn an important lesson yesterday: I have 3.7 seconds of your attention in any given moment. That was a hard fact for me to digest–isn’t that, like, shorter than the lifespan of a gnat? Learned this from an interesting speaker, Peter Shankman. Funny guy and a wealth of useful information about marketing. He has a website,, if you are interested.
Now, like I’ve said before, the power of the Internet is amazing. But at some point in time, we all need to turn it off. Last night, I closed my personal Facebook page. I try not to spend too much time on Facebook. I try to live in the moment–wake up at the crack of dawn and go for a walk on a beach. Turn off the phone and listen when someone is talking to me. To me it’s sad when we miss out on our lives because we are too busy tweeting, texting, and posting.
Now, I’m not saying you should just walk away from social media, but if we all could just be a little more in balance, then my friends, I think we all would be so much happier 🙂 So feel free to share, because to Yo Momma that means CARING!
Tonight I am turning off my phone, and going to dinner with my family to celebrate! Advice for my Raleigh friends that stayed: Sono on Fayetteville Street has the BEST bowl of ramen ever. For my CO peeps, take I-25 to 120th Ave and head west 3 miles. On the south side of the road is Ocean Pacific Asian Grocery store–really good fresh seafood–but right next door is the best pho place west of the Mississippi. Can’t remember the name for the life of me–age is not always kind. 🙁 Advice for my younger followers: enjoy your youth. Happy Friday Y’all, LUV YA!!