I came across this drawing the other day while looking for a recipe. My son Dillon made it for me years ago for Mother’s Day. His favorite book as a child was “Love You to the Moon and Back”. Lord think I read that book the better part of a thousand times to him.
Yo Momma loves handmade presents, I think they come more from the heart. As I get older, I’m finding the material things in life seem less important. It’s family and friends that matter the most to me, especially around the holidays. This year will be our first Thanksgiving not surrounded by our extended family, which I will truly miss.
Yesterday I went to my son Joey’s school to volunteer for their Thanksgiving Feast. It was a hoot, Love me some kid time for sure; they make me feel all warm and fuzzy. We’ve had so many kids over at our house over the years. Not sure I could count the number of times my girlfriend’s son Sammy asked if he could have a double sleepover for both Friday, and Saturday. Miss that boy, I wish I knew how to get a hold of him. I regret losing track of people, but I know it happens.
In my opinion some people in your life are taken from you too soon. Sammy’s mother Leanne was one of those people. She was the salt and pepper in my life. Leanne was the one who taught me how to make the quintessential North Dakota hot-dish: pierogies. Mark’s fatherĀ or Pop Pop as we called him, was another. He was the best grandfather a daughter-in-law could ask for. A truly kind and caring man who is missed by all.
So I cherish those that are still in my life, and count my blessings for the memories of those that aren’t.
This is the back of Dillon’s drawing. For years whenever I texted my kids, I always put LOL at the end of every text. “Be safe and c u soon LOL!” I thought I was conveying the massage of “Lots of Love”, until one day Rachel said: “Mom why do you put LOL at the end every text”. Uhmmm because I love you, LOTS OF LOVE. “No mom it means, LAUGH OUT LOUD!” Silly me, eat some humble pie.
I’ll be eating my humble pie tomorrow, and counting my blessings for all my friends and family! Happy Thanksgiving y’all, and thanks:-)