Wild Maine Blueberry Jam is a wonderful combination of flavors, that pairs well with a warm biscuit or bowl of freshly baked bread pudding. Wild Maine Blueberries tend to pack more of an intense blueberry taste, and contain twice the antioxidants than the traditional blueberry.

To be quite honest I am not a huge fan of traditional blueberries, but give me a wild Maine blueberry and I will make you the best homemade pancakes you have ever had! Another Big Fat Sunday favorites at Yo Momma’s house, Wild Maine Blueberry pancakes served with warm maple syrup HEAVEN! Believe it or not I created this jam to taste just like my pancakes with an added twist of spice, hence the cardamon.

It was the most interesting process cooking this jam, my fine friends up at https://millcroftfarms.com/ use a steam copper kettle to produce their products. Yo Momma was involved cooking my blueberry jam every step of the way, adding ingredients, tasting each step of the way, I even hand labeled the jars.  Now that is some serious love and TLC:-)


So you might be wondering why it tastes like my pancakes, well it’s the pure maple syrup, butter, and vanilla that is in each batch. And why did I name it Wild Maine Bluesaberry Jam, because it’s like I am blowing you a kiss of pure delishishness!

Be healthy, happy, and eat well!