Yo Momma’s jams, jelly, and spice rubs will be arriving in the early part of 2016, and will be ready for your kitchen soon.

I got the best present in my inbox just the other day. What, you may ask, could be so exciting? Why all the nutritional analysis, and labeling information for my jams, jelly, and spice rubs.

After years of refining my recipes, and months of working with co-packers, logo designers, the Entrepreneurial Lab at NC State University, and my website development company, I am super excited to announce that some of my products will be available for sale early in the new year. As we get closer to going to market I’ll let you know the actual date, so stay tuned!

I’ll be rolling into production the Fig and Bacon Jam (this one was really difficult), the Raspberry and Chipotle Jelly, my Blackberry and Spice Jam, and both of my Dry Rubs. My original recipe for the Fig and Bacon Jam had way too much bacon. But have no fear my friends, I figured it out! Natural Bacon Flavor from my friends at the Weber Co. This stuff is worth it’s weight in GOLD!


This process has been a real learning experience without a doubt, a true labor of love. I have many people to thank, but most importantly my husband. Every time I make something or do something he says to me: “I am sensing a blog” LOL! Poor dadda, he edits all my blogs before I publish them. LOVE YA DADDA:-)

I would like to thank my co-packers Bobbee’s Bottling Co, here in North Carolina. The have never produced jams and jellies, so I will be their prototype. I offer my sincere thanks to great staff at NC State for providing all the nutrition and labeling information. The great gals at Logo and Label Co. up in Durham deserve a great round of applause, and maybe some Apple Date and Toasted Walnut Butter. They put up with my tirades of how I wanted my labels to look, and yes my logo is a caricature of myself (I’ll tell y’all about that one another time LOL!). My photographer, Ms. Lisa Schutte, she does an amazing job for me. She runs The Creative Canvas Photographic Studio down here in NC, and I highly recommend her to all my Raleigh friends.

And a another big thanks to Peacock Creative Services, for helping me get my website up and running. What I thought wasn’t rocket science turned out to more than I knew how to develop. Sir Stephen as I call him, is also a wealth of useful marketing information! And a final thanks to all of my friends, and family for believing in me, and supporting me!

Who knows, maybe I’ll roll out some of my Yo Momma’s Hot Mess next year. Hotter than all get out pickled peppers, cucumbers, and okra. A nice addition to your Sunday morning brunch. Or maybe some Damson plum jam for my friend Jerry, just because I like saying “DAMSON” LOL! Happy Holidays to us all 🙂

Be healthy, happy, and eat well!