Fig and Bacon Jam, who knew it would be so hard?! Every time I go up to Bobbee’s Bottling it’s a new adventure! Today was no exception, just painfully long for some reason.

Like I have said before, it’s a learning experience for me and them. Just when they think they have my jam correct, I come back and say NO! Today was now exception. The figs we sourced were different from my original recipe, so believe it or not we ended up adding three more gallons of… water!


Who knew the figs were chopped, and dusted in rice flour! The rice flour was an unexpected ingredient, it doesn’t add to the nutrition but makes creating the jam more difficult! So it took us five tries to get it to the right consistency. THAT is A LOT of tasting, if I have to taste Bacon and Jam again uhhhm…

It will probably be tomorrow LOL! The bacon was another issue.! Government rules and regulations are pretty specific! Now Yo Momma has a MBA, but I think I need another degree in Food Science. WAY over estimated the amount of bacon flavor needed, 65 pounds was not necessary. Only took 5 pounds, oohh boy! I used an uncured applewood smoked bacon, and to get it just right a natural bacon flavoring.

Lesson learned, start with their ingredients and work backwards. On a brighter note my Wild Maine Bluesa Berry Syrup was a hit, next in line for them and you!


Be healthy, happy, and eat well!