Shepard’s Pie using leftover prime rib lovingly mixed with some vegetables, and topped with creamy mashed potatoes can satisfy a hungry family. Using the most of the food that you have is important, I get the concept of nose to tail. But even Yo Momma has her limits! Take for instance chicken feet, really? Oh no… using my leftover prime rib for Shepard’s Pie is much more tasty!
Uhhm, maybe for flavoring, but to actually eat? Somethings are okay to be eaten, and some think are NOT. I think certain aspects have gone overboard, do we really want to revert to eating insects? As a race we should be able to live and eat intelligently, not rocket science sorry. Take for instance pork belly, most Americans don’t think of it as something worth while to eat. But if properly prepared it is wonderful in a bowl of ramen. Is there a balance between good and delicious, yes Yo Momma believes there is. But FROG LEGS is not one of them LOL!
Just don’t waste your time on chicken feet, and frog legs! Stick to the basics of good food and leftovers, because some things are better a second time around.