A good Summer Sausage served with some cheese and crackers makes a fine snack for a Superbowl party! I serve it with a nice bunch of grapes to cleanse the palette. Dadda likes nice the luscious sweet flavor of red grapes. I prefer the tartness of green grapes. Either is good. Summer sausage is made with pork and other meats such as beef or venison. It has a tangy flavor that goes great on a buttery cracker with sharp cheddar and a dab of good Dijon mustard.
There are lots of different brands of summer sausage, but Yo Momma’s favorite is from Cloverdale Meats at http://www.cloverdalefoods.com/products/view.asp?ID=13. This wonderful family run company has been is business for over 100 years, perfecting their pork sausages up in North Dakota. If you have never tried their summer sausage, well, Yo Momma suggests you give them a try. 🙂
Just saying for a Superbowl party… It may just make your guests ask for more! And where did you get that DELICIOUS summer sausage from? Why Cloverdale of course!!
Be healthy, happy, and eat well!