A gal can never have enough sawdust in her life, that’s my motto LOL!
My Dadda–he’s a busy man, always building something or changing things around our house. We’re a lot alike in that respect. Me, always cooking and gardening. “Hey Dadda, I want a swing bed for the screened in porch, can ya make one?” “Sure momma, I’ll make one for you!” Now I have a nice swing bed for my back porch, thanks Dadda you’re the best! After my neighbor Chuck saw it he said to me “Now, if I come outside at 10 in the evening, and hear you snoring I’m gonna holler at you, and wake your butt up!” I don’t snore Chuck, but thanks.
Dadda and I also like to share. He likes to impart his knowledge, especially to his children. Makes sure our kids know how to change the oil in their cars, build things, and fix stuff. He and my son Thomas built a trebuchet back when Thomas was in 8th grade for a school project. Dillon, it was a skateboard, though if truth be told it broke when Dillon jumped on it. Over the years Dadda, and the kids built many a projects.
Cooking has been what I’ve shared with my children over the years. Always made cookies, salsa, and even a Buche de Noel one year for Christmas. I’ve also shared with my friends over the years. Cooked the better part of 60 jars of green chili one year with my friends Lee, Shannon, and Jim. Hope they’re still making it! Now I’m sharing with my NC friends too. Recently I showed my girlfriends Susan and Lisa how to make some of Yo Momma’s jams and jellies, we had fun!
Now this here is Dadda’s latest project, a too-shallow to be useful hall closet turned into a useful bookshelf. Love his creativity. He’s a good man, and I love cooking for him, my family, and my friends. “Green chili fest at Yo Momma’s house. Come on over y’all!” It’s the love that you share, when you invite people to your home. I always try to fill my house with as much love as possible. When my Aunt B said to me in August “wish I could see your house”, my reply was “meh it’s just a house.” It’s the family and friends that make it special, and you, my friends, are special to me!!!
Be healthy, happy, and eat well!