What is a dog picking you might be wondering? Same as a pig picking. Pig picking? I didn’t have a clue what that was either.

My neighbor’s husband was out front of their house about this time last year trimming some roses. I did the neighborly thing, and went out to strike up a conversation.

“Hey neighbor, those are some serious leather gloves you got on to trim your roses.”

“These are my pig picking gloves,” he said. I looked at him, and asked politely what a pig picking was? Thinking that it was like a cow-tipping party in Texas. He told me it was what we mid-westerners would call a pig roast.

“Oh yeah, love me a good pig roast, and going to a good old country Hootenanny.” Didn’t know what that one was either. he filled me in: bluegrass, BBQ, and beer, a hootenanny of a good time.

Skylar the Great Escape Artist

These same neighbors have a picket fence, and an electric fence. But somehow their dog, Skylar, still manages to get out. About three weeks ago my neighbor texted in the morning:

If you see Skylar roaming around stick him in dog jail.

Apparently she spent the better part of an hour before work driving around looking for him. Turned out he ended up in Apex. A teacher in our neighborhood picked him on his way to work, and left him in his car for her to come pick up. She was hopping mad, because she had to leave work early to go get him.

So last week I was working on my computer, when my door bell rings. Go to the door, and it was the neighbor two doors over. He was standing there with Skylar the escape artist, and asked me if this was my dog? I told him no, it was Skylar our neighbor’s dog. We put him in the kennel in the neighbor’s garage. Or as she calls it, dog jail. When I texted her at work that we had jailed Skylar again, she replied back about the dog picking.

Dog Picking Doesn’t Sound so Appetizing

“Think he’ll taste kind of like dog pooh if we cook him, but that’s just me,” I said.

She replied, “Not if you cook him, he’ll taste great!”
“Heck,” I said, “I’ll season his patooty butt up with some of my Hickory and Chipotle Dry Rub, slow roast him about 280⁰ for 10 hours, slather him up with some Raspberry and Chipotle Jelly. He’ll taste just like pork!” 🙂

Have no fear dog lovers, Skylar lives to escape another day!

Be healthy, happy, and eat well!

IMG_1849 skylar