Whole Foods, Southern Seasons and Yo Momma’s Style Products. Here is my journey to bring my products to market. A little over a year ago I sat in my back porch contemplating what to do with my life, my career. Having moved from Colorado to North Carolina I was struggling with the move.. wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I flipped open the recent issue of http://www.southernliving.com/, and read an article of “the Best New Southern Food Products” that the magazine loved. One was http://bigspoonroasters.com/ up in Durham, the second was http://cloisterhoney.com/ in Charlotte, while the third was a Bed in Breakfast in South Carolina. This particular B&B sold their Strawberry Reduced Balsamic Vinegar Jam on-line for $24.00 a jar OMG!
I thought to myself… if they can do it so can I, and as some of you know I have always made jams, jellies, green chile, spaghetti sauce…. over the years anything I could preserve I would. So I began my quest to create my artisan products to sell in http://www.southernseason.com/, http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com, and who knows maybe http://www.deandeluca.com/! So I started my company, and began the process of creating them using what is called in the industry “co-packers”. Basically the companies like http://bobbeesbottling.com/ take my recipes, and produce them commercially for me large scale. When I say large scale I am not talking General Mills, Smuckers, or Pace Picante large scale. Typically 200 gallons at a time scale, but it’s a start! My newest addition is my Colorado Style Green Chile which I am so pleased to bring to market, because it’s new and innovative!
So… as I roll out tomorrow with my first Whole Foods order, and the week after next into Southern Seasons I can only hope that Yo Momma’s Style continues to grow, and create delicious foods for Y’all to enjoy! Every little company starts small, and hopefully continues to satisfy all her customers.. one little store at a time:-)
Be Healthy, Happy, and Eat Well!